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技術(shù)文章您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 技術(shù)文章 > ROSENBERG風(fēng)機ROSENBERG洛森離心風(fēng)機ERA/DRA系列
更新時(shí)間:2018-02-28   點(diǎn)擊次數:1406次


ROSENBERGCe***ifugal fans : forward curved (Type: E/DRA…)



flow rates up to 15,000 m³/h流量高達15000立方米/小時(shí)

size: 180 – 400 mm (impeller diameter) 180 - 400毫米(葉輪直徑)

casing made of galvanised sheet steel外殼由鍍鋅鋼板制成

asynchronous external rotor motor異步外轉子電機

forward curved impellers前彎葉輪

feet can be offset by 90° 底腳可以偏移90°

protection class IP54防護等級IP54

thermal class F熱敏等級F

connection cable on side連接電纜位于側部

motor protection by thermal contacts有熱敏保護

speed is variable using auto transformers可變速


Casings are made of galvanised sheet steel. Side parts and the spiral-shaped guide plate are connected with rivets. In the side panels, there are holes for the fixing of the feet, which can be implemented by 90°.

model – ERA : single inlet design (E)

model – DRA : double-sided inlet design (D)





The impeller is made of galvanised sheet steel and is mounted directly to the rotor of the external rotor motor and balanced dynamically at two levels together with the rotor according to quality level G2.5 to DIN ISO 1940.

葉輪由鍍鋅鋼板制成,并直接安裝在外轉子電機的轉子上,實(shí)現動(dòng)平衡。根據DIN ISO 1940的質(zhì)量等級G2.5 DIN ISO 1940.


The drive motors are fitted with an outgoing cable. The electrical connection is made via an IP44 terminal box which is supplied loose.


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