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產(chǎn)品中心您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 電氣設備/工業(yè)電器 > 熔斷器 > CS-3系列A055F/A825X美國MERSEN熔斷器CS-3系列A055F/A825X/A155F





Mersen是一家能提供世界所有主流熔斷器系統的企業(yè)。 從UL系統到DIN系統,BS系統以及NF系統, Mersen熔斷器系統可以幫助延長(cháng)設備和安裝件的使用壽命,同時(shí)降低成本,提高訂貨至交貨的時(shí)間,設備電氣性能和穩定性。 對于終端用戶(hù)來(lái)說(shuō),Mersen的熔斷器系統可以縮短系統的停工時(shí)間, 保護電氣安裝、人員和投資,并改進(jìn)電氣性能和穩定性。



5.5kV Ferrule Mount Transformer Fuses

Mersen fuses for the protection of transformers and distribution lines deliver overload and short circuit protection. These current-limiting fuses will melt at current that can be as low as 1.7 times the fuse current ratings up to its maximum interrupting rating. These fuses are designed to withstand the transformer magnetizing inrush current. They have 2" (size C), 3" (size D) and 2x3" (size DD) inch diameter barrels with ferrules and are mounted in spring reinforced clips.



8.25kV Ferrule Mount Transformer Fuses

Mersen fuses for the protection of transformers and distribution lines deliver overload and short circuit protection. These current-limiting fuses will melt at current that can be as low as 1.7 times the fuse current ratings up to its maximum interrupting rating. These fuses are designed to withstand the transformer magnetizing inrush current. They have 2" (size C), 3" (size D) and 2x3" (size DD) inch diameter barrels with ferrules and are mounted in spring reinforced clips.



15.5kV Ferrule Mount Transformer Fuses

Mersen fuses for the protection of transformers and distribution lines deliver overload and short circuit protection. These current-limiting fuses will melt at current that can be as low as 1.7 times the fuse current ratings up to its maximum interrupting rating. These fuses are designed to withstand the transformer magnetizing inrush current. They have 2" (size C), 3" (size D) and 2x3" (size DD) inch diameter barrels with ferrules and are mounted in spring reinforced clips

愛(ài)澤工業(yè)(IZE INDUSTRIES)*經(jīng)銷(xiāo)、常用備件型號:

Amp-Trap CS-3 Series: (Indoors or outdoors in a weatherproof enclosure)

A055F: 5.5kV – AC: 5E to 450E – 63kA I.R. Sym

A825X: 8.25kV – AC: 10E to 200E – 50kA I.R. Sym

A155F: 15.5kV – AC: 5E to 200E – 50 kA I.R. Sym







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五指山市| 张家口市| 卓尼县| 洛宁县| 安西县| 安阳市| 虹口区| 延长县| 通榆县| 徐水县| 陆良县| 公安县| 洛扎县| 平阴县| 古浪县| 突泉县| 繁峙县| 澄江县| 凌源市| 黑山县| 瑞安市| 读书| 襄城县| 五峰| 宁晋县| 江西省| 九龙城区| 仲巴县| 苍梧县| 武胜县| 日喀则市| 罗定市| 邢台县| 通辽市| 原平市| 左权县| 长宁区| 临朐县| 陕西省| 南投市| 江口县| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444